凌晨五点半起床洗刷完毕后约了一位久违不见的好友一同去晨跑。在还未出门之前接到一通电话说道 ,“哈喽,起床了吗?这里下雨哦,你在S2那里有下雨吗?” ,我答:“没有下雨呀,我还可以看见小狗正在路上散步呢!好吧,等下见!。。。嘟。。。。” 其实我还未把眼镜戴上的说,哈哈!
戴上眼镜再向窗外望出去果然地上一片湿溚溚,天空还呈黑漆漆的,心想幸好雨停了,否则又得取消我们的晨运之约。说起来,我这位好友兼同学还是第二次到City Park 晨运呢!要不是由我带路的话,我想身为芙蓉人的他也许也会在此地迷路呢!呵呵!
- 婉君
- 冰山一角
- I'm the girl who prefers one rose instead of a dozen. I'm the girl who would rather stay in on a Friday night than go to a wild party with random strangers. I'm the girl who wouldn't make you wait on her hand and foot, but would do anything to make you happy. I'm the girl who would enjoy having a movie night rather than going to some fancy restaurant. I'm the girl who would rather stay up all night sharing secrets than going out and getting drunk. I'm the girl who won't make you hold her bags, but would rather hold your hand instead. I'm the girl who will love you more than anyone can possibly dream of. I'm the girl who would give the world to see you SMILE.